What exactly is the Venus Arm?

The Venus Arm is a revolutionary bionic arm built by eBionics. Not only is this the most affordable such arm in the world, but it is also inherently customizable and easily available anywhere and anytime.

What’s the estimated cost of one Venus Arm?

Our estimated price of the Venus Arm is $250. However, this price can fluctuate due to electronic part prices and 3D printing costs differences.

How do I get the Venus Arm?

The Venus Arm is similar to a DIY project – you assemble it yourself. So, in order to get the Venus Arm, you need to download and 3D-print the models, order the rest of the parts online, upload the code and assemble the arm. Don’t worry though, since the assembly takes less than an hour thanks to our user-first approach.

How does it work?

The fingers on the bionic arm move after a signal from the user’s muscle. This muscle activity is recorded by using a special sensor.

How will the Venus Arm attach to my limb?

Our bionic arm uses a revolutionary technology that allows this prosthetic to fit perfectly on the user’s limb. The prosthesis can be made to fit in just 15 minutes, and uses parts readily available online.